
#16-31-20/7, P.N: 20/7 HIG, Opp: Exitgate of nexusmall KPHB, Phase-6, Kukatpally, Hyderabad

Major factors that influence IVF failures: Fertility and Sterility

Are you getting failed to conceive after trying for a long time? Failed multiple IVF treatment cycles also then visit the Sai Shourya Test Tube Baby Center to get the best IVF treatment in Hyderabad for couples who are facing fertility problems. Here we provide the main factors for IVF failure.

The significant emotional, physical, and financial burden associated with infertility treatment in particular and especially with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) demands that factors are known to affect results be recognized and controlled before treatment is initiated.

The following and perhaps the most significant of these are discussed in this article:
  • Egg and embryo Quality.
  • Receptivity of the Uterus.
  • Embryo Transfer (The “Rate Limiting” Technical Step).
  • Each of these factors is outlined in detail below or linked to prior posts that address them.

Reasons for the IVF Failure Cycles:

Here are some of the reasons for the “IVF failure.”
  • Cancelation of the IVF process.
  • Before recovery of eggs.
  • Since insufficient follicles are produced.
  • No or only inadequate quality eggs are recovered
  • Retrieved eggs can’t fertilize inappropriately.
  • As a result, no embryo may be available for transfer to the uterus.
  • There are so many reasons for the non – implantations of transferred embryos.
  • And that will, of course, mean no pregnancy after transmission of the embryo.

Unfortunately, there is not always a proper IVF procedure. Younger women are more likely to succeed with IVF, with the success rate for women under 35 at 40%.

Most people feel sorrow, anger, and frustration when an IVF process fails. Exploring these feelings is extremely normal, but you shouldn’t blame yourself or your partner. For many reasons, IVF may fail, and it is likely to be completely out of your control. Speak to your fertility specialist who can explain what might have happened and what next steps to take.

Some of the most common reasons why In Vitro Fertilization fails have been brought together.

The Quality of the Embryo

One of the most common reasons for failing an IVF cycle is the embryo’s performance. After transitioning to the uterus, most embryos are unable to implant because they are defective. Embryos that look healthy in a laboratory may have defects that lead to death rather than development. In most cases, it’s up to the fetus and not the uterus.

The Age of the Eggs

While the woman’s age undergoing IVF plays an enormous part, the egg age is more significant. As a female grows older, a woman’s eggs start to deteriorate in quality and quantity. This will have a significant impact on her pregnancy chances with and without IVF. Approximately 25% of embryos used in IVF will contribute to living birth on average. Our success rates at Nurture Fertility were 39% for women under 38% and 17% for those over.

Older women are far more likely when using donor eggs to have a higher chance of IVF success.

Response from Ovaries

Occasionally, ovaries of a woman do not respond as they should and do not produce multiple eggs to the IVF medication. It may be difficult for women over 37 or those with high levels of follicle-stimulating hormones to produce enough eggs. If this is the case for you, IVF is likely to fail. Someone will meet with you to determine the chances of this happening and address any improvements that your fertility medications will need to make.


Embryos with chromosomal abnormalities, whether they are naturally conceived or developed in a laboratory, may result in IVF failure. Chromosomal abnormalities are often the cause of IVF failure or failure of implantation. People over 30 are more likely to experience chromosomal abnormalities in their eggs, and this continues to increase when a female reaches her mid-40s.


You are likely to be asked to stop smoking up to three months before your IVF treatment begins. Smokers often need to conceive up to twice as many IVF cycles and suffer a miscarriage more likely. You should try to reach a healthy weight if you are overweight or underweight to increase the chances of effective IVF treatment.


It’s a hectic scenario if the couple doesn’t know the reason behind their issues with fertility or why they get IVF failure. Couples with unknown infertility and unresolved concerns will become annoyed. The treatment to choose in some instances without knowing the reason behind it.

Sai Shourya Test Tube Baby Center offers the IVF treatment in Hyderabad to help women who have been frustrated by unexplained fertility and sterility problems. To couples who have been trying to conceive for the past few years, Sai shourya provides the best IVF care options.

We are here to help you. We are available for 24/7 hours. Confirm your appointments with our best infertility specialist in Hyderabad.

We Have Been Pondering the Most Comprehensive Fertility Solutions to Aspiring Parents Since Last 5 Years

Shourya’s Test Tube Baby Center #16-31-20/7, P.N: 20/7 HIG, Opp: Exitgate of nexusmall KPHB, Phase-6, Kukatpally, Hyderabad




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